Abstract—This research intends to be a part in developing an
automatic system that shows the potential of designing a
product form by co-designing with the user in order to make it
suitable for each consumer by applying Kansei Engineering
Technique. However, the operation of KE needs data collection
from specific target group in order to devise a formula and
interpret the results when applying to study the same target
group, or else the accuracy will be reduced. In order to
eliminate the drawbacks, Data Mining techniques will be
applied with KE system in order to use as an ingenious product
co-design system.
The style and preference of each user will be used as a
categorizing factor clustering the database into groups with
K-means technique, in this research. Each classifying cluster
will use its own database in the system processing in order to
gain a set of design elements precisely from the system. Decision
Tree classification technique is selected for the study. For the
model validation, we apply the cross-validation as an unbiased
model performance evaluation. In order to build the KE system,
the sentiments in this research are indicated by 5 pair-words
constituting the system data. The result shows that, this method
offers more accurate prediction of design elements comparing
to the method which undivided users.
Index Terms—Data mining, machine learning, Kansei
engineering, product development.
K. Sakornsathien is with the School of Technopreneurship and Innovation
Management, Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University, 254 Phayathai
Rd., Phatumwan Bangkok, 10330 Thailand (e-mail:
S. Sinthupinyo is with the Department of Computer Engineering,
Chulalongkorn University, 254 Phayathai Rd., Phatumwan Bangkok, 10330
Thailand (e-mail: sukree.s@chula.ac.th).
P. Anantavoranich is with the Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of
Architecture, Chulalongkorn University254 Phayathai Rd., Phatumwan
Bangkok, 10330 Thailand (e-mail: p.idchula@gmail.com).
Cite: Kittipong Sakornsathien, Sukree Sinthupinyo, and Pongpun Anuntavoranich, "Application of Kansei Engineering and Data Mining in Developing an Ingenious Product Co-design System," International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 67-74, 2019.