Abstract—This paper proposes a general solution for the
School timetabling problem. Most heuristic proposed earlier
approaches the problem from the students’ point of view. This
solution, however, works from the teachers’ point of view i.e.
teacher availability for a given time slot. While all the hard
constraints (e.g. the availability of teachers, etc.) are resolved
rigorously, the scheduling solution presented in this paper is
an adaptive one, with a primary aim to solve the issue of clashes
of lectures and subjects, pertaining to teachers.
Index Terms—time tabling, scheduling, operational research,
artificial intelligence, heuristic.
The authors was with the Departmnent of Computer Science, Ramnarain
Ruia College, Mumbai, India (email: anirudhananda@gmail.com;
manisha.ppai@gmail.com; abhijeet_gole@hotmail.com).
Cite:Anirudha Nanda, Manisha P. Pai, and Abhijeet Gole, "An Algorithm to Automatically Generate Schedule for School Lectures Using a Heuristic Approach," International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing vol.2, no. 4, pp. 492-495, 2012.