Abstract—Although there are several standard services to discover protocol in the network such as UPnP, SLP, Jini, and DPWS (minimal set of web service) on computer and electronic devices such as mobile devices, these protocols cannot search the same standards across services. Most research was often modified by customizing the protocol. To solve this problem, in this work, we propose how to find services in the different standards used by agents. This solution does not need to modify the original protocol and dynamic monitoring to reduce unnecessary processes. We propose a prototype system to allow users to discover the service in a local area network by using mechanism-based services oriented architecture, namely OSGi Framework.
Index Terms—Service Discovery Protocols, Agent, Service Oriented Architecture, OSGi Framework.
Pitak Sawetsunthorn is with Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai, Songkhla, 90110 Thailand (e-mail:pitak.s@psu.ac.th).
Cite: Pitak Sawetsunthorn, "A Mechanism on OSGi Agent for Dynamic Monitoring Service Discovery Protocols in Local Network," International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 381-385, 2012.