Manuscript received August 21, 2024; revised September 5, 2024; accepted September 30, 2024; published in December 26, 2024.
Abstract—An emerging landscape in educational tools are on the horizon and in the center is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Educators with vast years of experience are grasping to adapt to new teaching strategies to facilitate courses for a generation of students who may be more experienced in technology than their teachers. In the field of accounting, the technological functions to extract financial performances of businesses are changing in real time as well and the workforce has minimal experience with AI but employees must meet the need of client demands in the industries they serve. The coupling of the academics and the workforce brings to light a unique opportunity for accounting curriculum developers to engage students, while using universal course design and human -computer interaction tolls integrated with artificial intelligence to close the gap of artificial intelligence knowledge in the workforce and to forge forward to meet market demands in the accounting industry. This paper provides insight into the artificial intelligence tools that are utilized by students to complete higher education assignments, and the research results enable curriculum developers to understand how they can reshape the student’s learning experience through inclusive education
Keywords—artificial intelligence, universal course design, human- centered design, accounting curriculum, learning disabilities, inclusive education
Cite: Kentaya L. Beeler, "Human-Computer Interaction: Universal Design for Learning and AI in Accounting Curriculum," International Journal of Machine Learning vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 129-132, 2024.
Copyright © 2024 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).